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Principal Notes

Writer's picture: Satwant SinghSatwant Singh

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Dear Parents, September 7, 2021 Welcome back!! We hope you had a restful summer despite the challenges presented to us during the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years and we are all hoping to welcome back the children for definitely a better year. As you know, last week the Ministry of Education shared school reopening plans. Their plans provided a high-level overview of what to expect in 2021-22 school year along with guidelines for school boards to follow. Khalsa school is committed to following all the guidelines set by Peel Public Health to keep everyone safe, thereby, bringing back children to school with your full support in keeping the cases still happening in mind. At Khalsa School, we are proud of the superior quality of education we deliver. Over the past few months with distance learning, our focus has been to follow curriculum to the full and deliver quality education so there would be no gaps in skill and knowledge. We still endeavour to accomplish a high standard of student achievement and strive to maintain that in the future. In order to maintain high quality of education for the upcoming school year, it is imperative to have students exposed to face-to-face conventional delivery with school every day. Hence, we are carefully structuring the protocol that protects children’s health and minimizes risks from a public health perspective. We shall continue to offer both options of learning for the comfort of students and parents. The survey form was sent to you earlier. The next Switch can only happen in the second term NOT before. Please find attached the reopening plans in detail for Khalsa School Students will be joining school on September 8, 2021 at 8:00 A.M to 2:30 P.M 1. Keeping the safety and well being of students and staff as a top priority, the following enhanced health and safety measures and protocol will be established and will continue throughout the school year: · Screening and self-assessment protocols, aligned with Peel Public Health recommendations: Parents must sign the document every morning of self assessment done before sending child to school. · Hand hygiene protocols for students and staff, including hand sanitizer in all classrooms and at entrances/exits of the building · All students, staff and visitors will be required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands before entering the building and classrooms · Enhanced health and safety measures such as screening and self-assessment, physical distancing, sharing of classroom materials and seating organization · Protocols for cleaning high-touch surfaces - classrooms/portables, washrooms, alternative learning environments, equipment, etc., as well as cleaning between cohort use; a full-time custodian to clean washrooms at regular intervals and to monitor number of students inside the washrooms. · mask/face covering requirements for staff and students: o School-based staff will wear a mask, face shield, unless they have a medical accommodation, and will be provided with a (PPE) kit, including medical masks and eye protection. o Students in grades 1 to 8 will be required to wear a non-medical mask or face covering o Students in Kindergarten are strongly encouraged to wear a mask o All visitors to the school must wear a mask and complete the government of Ontario's COVID-19 self-assessment · Physical distancing measures within the school including one-direction hallways, cohorting, drop-off/pick-up routines, closed shared spaces, seating assignments, coordination of class movement throughout the school · Practice of enhanced cleaning and disinfecting schedules and procedures for disinfectants on high-touch surfaces · All staff to be provided with a full day of training on the health and safety protocols and required adaptations along with assessment, evaluation and reporting procedures before school reopens · Staggered lunch and nutrition breaks · Technology support - Google classroom · Transportation including loading/unloading protocols, vehicle cleaning and route planning - bus drivers to check temperature of students before boarding every morning · Bus drivers to wear protective gear; seating plan to maintain social distancing in buses 2. Full day school, five days a week – following detailed schedules will be shared before school reopening: · Students will remain with their class to limit interactions with other students including during lunch and recess. · School schedules will start at 8 A.M. and end at 2:30 P.M. · There will be staggered nutrition breaks in class under supervision of teachers and outdoor break in Class cohorts · Regardless of varied schedule, total instructional time for students and teachers will be 300 minutes per day School timetable: (note: schedule may vary for different classes and age groups, however, the minutes allocated for instruction and lunch/nutrition break/recess will remain the same. Students on a Nutrition Break schedule will be permitted to continue with nutrition breaks. Lunch and recess times may as well be staggered to allow for social distancing in their class cohorts If you have still not registered your child at school, please fill in the online registration form on the website and call 905-671-2010 or email Hope to receive your support to help bring back children safely to school Warm regards Principal Khalsa School Malton

Ms M Singh Principal Khalsa School Malton (905-671-2010)

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